(A CUSTOM SK Production - app running time: 55 mins)
THREE SEGMENTS featuring the lovely Natasha in and out of the winner's circle!
$54.99 (DVD only)
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Some of the material on this DVD was shot using our new HIGH DEFINITION camera system and is presented in a 16X9 letterboxed format for the very best in visual quality!
SEGMENT ONE: Natasha vs The Machine
In this fast-paced custom battle, we fade in on the lovely Natasha talking major trash about her upcoming opponent...a man simply known as "The Machine." A few moments later, that very entity stands behind her, and Natasha continues her teasing, going on to throw a sucker punch to the Machine's gut...one that actually hurts HER! It's suddenly obvious that this is no ordinary wrestler...and for the next 30 minutes, Natasha takes a squash that no wrestler...no matter how pompous, should be subjected to!
Among the many KOs and submissions here are some massive finishers...including a package sit-down piledriver we've never seen at SKW till now! By the time this one's over, one mysterious masked man stands above a beaten fighter...saying nothing as we fade to black!
( For a look at every move, tactic, and KO used, check out the VIDCAPS PAGES below this DVD's description!)
SEGMENT TWO: Natasha vs Fiona
New girl Fiona seems to hve this battle covered once it begins, nailing Natasha with a long series of submissions and KOs...but never getting that 10 count pin she needs for the win! Even after a sleeper, backbreaker, bearhug, piledriver KO, and more, the rookie takes a sudden reversal from Natasha...who exacts her revenge via several painful and methodical attacks.
A stunner nearly ends this one...that is, until Natasha goes for a false pin, waking her opponent up and going for her new "Natasha-Cide" finisher...i.e. a modified neckbreaker you'll have to see to believe!
One 10 count later and we have our winner!
( For a look at every move, tactic, and KO used, check out the VIDCAPS PAGES below this DVD's description!)
SEGMENT THREE: Natasha vs Sapphire
opens with the lovely Natasha in her first SKW match ever, chatting it up with the fans in a pre-match interview. As she describes her upcoming "mystery opponent" match, we see the mystery girl appear. Sapphire's eyes close in on the rookie as she tells the fans how ready she is to take on whoever her opponent may be, a nice thought that's suddenly cut off by Sapphire's powerful sleeper hold! Surprised and drenched in fear, Natasha struggles with all her might only to finally succumb to the KO. The rest, as they say, is history...as Sapphire does what she does best. KO after KO, painful submission move after move, the young and unprepared Natasha screams and begs for Sapphire to stop, which only elicits laughter from everyone's favorite SKW heel! The following are just a few of the tactics our poor rookie suffers at the hands of the vicious Latina bruiser:
a) belly attacks
b) torture rack
c) camel clutch
d) back stomps
e) various pins
f) tombstone piledriver KO
g) standing surfboard
h) standing surboard/matslam KO
i) Mexican Ceiling Hold
e) Ceiling Hold/chokeout KO
f) double suplex KO
g) stunner KO
h) double fisherman's neckbreaker KO
i) regular piledriver KO
j) pedigree KO
At the end, Natasha is held up for the camera as she begs Sapphire to finish her off. Sapphire tells her she's being NICE by choosing her favorite move to end it all. One SAPPHIRE BOMB later and it IS over...with Sapphire counting a lazy ten-count pin that could easily
go on to a hundred!
( For a look at every move, tactic, and KO used, check out the VIDCAPS PAGES below this DVD's description!)
Click Here To View A Sample clip
(Painful foot torture for Natasha!)
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